The Grande Finale at "My Revelation Carriage Show"
This past weekend, we traveled with one Youth Student - Diamond LeBlanc and a good friend whom we helped with her pony's training - Lynn Biedeck to the "My Revelation" Carriage show at Longview Park in Missouri. The park was endowed to Kansas City by Lola Long, a very accomplished Horse Person from the early 20th century. My Revelation was her favorite driving horse. A wonderful heritage to bring to a lovely Carriage show. It was our honor to drive at this venue and show this weekend and to watch Diamond do so well as the only Jr. at the show, winning

2 classes. Lynn and Sassy won Grand Champion Pony division and our own Sunny won Grand Champion VSE. A great end to a wonderful driving season. Kudos to our K.C. Driving Club friends for starting such a lovely show at a showgrounds endowed with a special equine history.